Cupenya B.V.
About the Partner
Cupenya B.V. was founded in 2013 in Amsterdam by Dominik Blattner and Elmar Weber – former BPM consultants and technical implementation experts from Germany. The company was started as an investment funded technology startup at Rockstart Accelerator. The core competences of Cupenya’s founding members range from BPM implementation, Big Data, analytics, machine learning and complex event processing. This is perfectly reflected in Cupenya’s main product offering – Cupenya Insights – which is an operational intelligence software tool used in shared service center environments to measure and predict process performance.
Cupenya Insights uses a visual KPI definition language, real-time operational data and prediction models to provide users with operational insights with a process context. These insights are made “actionable” through several views:
- A process monitor view, where process performance is displayed per KPI and per individual open instance.
- A reporting dashboard view, where the data is aggregated to provide a long-term process intelligence.
- A personalized “Action List” view for individual process stakeholders to be alerted for process instances that are violating KPI thresholds and/or target values.
With these three intelligence views, Cupenya Insights serves several layers of management and stakeholders in the running of a service process. Individual stakeholders are notified of what tasks need to be performed with highest priority in order to maintain high performance. Their managers have the visibility and data-driven decision support to better manage their process on a single instance or aggregated level. And process owners are given the intelligence they need to make pivotal decisions regarding process change, optimization and continuous improvement.
By doing this, Cupenya Insights fulfils the need for applying intelligence-driven Lean and Six Sigma methodologies in operations management in enterprise business across the globe.
Key People
Dominik Blattner is a former senior business process management consultant with enterprise experience within different industries. He has lead BPM implementation and continuous process improvement projects at Bayer and Coca Cola Germany, among others. At Cupenya, his role as CEO has mainly been to spread the popularity of operational intelligence and to demonstrate the power of innovation for data-driven decision making.
Elmar Weber is the CTO and architect behind Cupenya Insights and its predictive analytics engine. His knowledge of Big Data, complex event processing and prediction models has enabled the creation of a powerful, yet flexible, operational intelligence solution. Elmar combines cutting-edge emerging technologies with the latest academic research to continuously improve the performance and capabilities of Cupenya Insights.